To Whom It May Concern,
It gives us great pleasure to recommend Randy Hogue for ministry and encouragment. Randy led a community-wide, evangelistic
even here in Daytona Beach called "The Bash" in August of 2002. Today we are still seeing positive results from that
event over a year later.
School and community officials are still talking about the assemblies that impacted hundreds of students that week, There
are still people in our church today who first discovered the love and accpetance of Jesus Christ that week. Randy also served
alongside David Faile, our Student Pastor, on several occasions both in North Carolina and Tennessee.
It is obvious that God has anointed Randy for such a time as this.
Randy's unique ability to connect with a variety of audiences has opened many doors of opportunity in the past. Randy
is a spiritual warrior who will go where others fear going, and will say what others fear saying. He has spent years walking
through those doors and will continue to do so for years to come. We have been blessed by Randy's ministry. May God richly
bless you and your ministry as you consider hearing from this dynamic servant of God!
With You In His Certain Victory!!!
Dr. Bobby H. Welch
Rev. David A. Faile
First Baptist Church Daytona Beach